What are our advantages over current extraction methods?


Current cannabis vaporizer technology relies on a disposable cartridge, similar to the first generation of nicotine vaporizers. These cartridges cannot be separated from the atomizer, and require specialized machinery to inject the cumbersome high-viscosity extracts. This viscosity issue prohibits the market from moving to a refillable model with higher airflow rate and dosage customization, something that the nicotine market has already done to great success. The same issue also increases the price of cannabis refillables, and relegates them to a niche market in most commercial stores.


By using a supercritical glycerin admixture, we produce a product with a viscosity that is not only workable with existing in-line manufacture and fill equipment, but allows for industrial-scale batch sizes and fine adjustments to the cannabinoid content. This enables a more economical extraction method that reduces cost to producers and consumers, allows for easy upscaling of production, allows for repetition of exact cannabinoid blends, and reduces waste by enabling a reusable hardware model.


The same product label and branding from the same producer can have wildly differing cannabinoid levels, making it difficult for a consumer to have a favorite brand. Additionally, existing vaporizers have limited airflow; they require a high concentration of cannabinoids, making it difficult for consumers to accurately judge the amount they’re using. Enabling glycerin as an economically viable carrier fluid lowers the total concentration of cannabinoids per unit volume of vapor, but greatly reduces drag and increases airflow. This allows for a more accurate dose, and for more of a flavor profile to be tasted.